Thursday, March 6, 2008

click click pull...

For all of my ranting yesterday, it seems I may have jumped the gun a tad. What can I say, I've never claimed to be patient person. And it seems the older I get, the more impatient I get. At least about certain things. I guess I've just gotten to the point where I'm done screwing around - I don't play games therefore I don't want someone who does.

I DID get an email today telling me that he has been busy "putting fires out" with little time to do anything else and that we will talk soon.

As a coworker said to me today, "immerse yourself in work and don't think about it." That is what I'm going to TRY to do. Ball's in his court now anyway because I wrote back stating I hope things calm down for him soon and that I'm looking forward to talking to him and meeting up for dinner. And I may have said something to the effect of hoping he didn't take my previous message the wrong way (yeah I did).

The only thing to do now is sit and wait and see what happens. Wonderful.

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